Q) How do I get most of my news?
A) Rummers and innuendos.
i read that many people get their news from facebook.
i look online mostly at fox news and the drudge report.
very seldom do i look at cnn.😎.
Q) How do I get most of my news?
A) Rummers and innuendos.
muslims in mosul have helped rebuild a christian church that had been destroyed by isis.. iraq has one of the smallest, but oldest, christian communities in the world but isis oversaw the destruction of iraqi churches, books and christian spaces during their occupation of the city..... it's heartening to see both the military defeat of isis in mosul and the desire for normal relationships shown by the inter-faith community.. there is hope..
Konceptual99 " " Of course. They were doing what they thought was good but there are a whole bunch of fundamentalists who would class them as apostates............"
The Rebel :- I agreee, totally, but I also believe, an army of fundamentalists, will never win and wipe out every bit of goodness in the heart of all its " members" , what ever the religion.( And if that's not the case, how do places like this exist?)
And I believe this because, I believe most people don't want to wipe each other out, regardless of their religion. That's not to say I didn't once look forward to Armageddon :-(
But I think, with intergration and the mixing of cultures we have an opportunity to beat fundermentalist control...for me that's personally a more palatable way to go.
so i spoke to my elder dad the other day, and he asked if i still am sporting a beard.
i said yes, then i said, "i thought the society said its ok to have a neat trimmed beard now?
" he said "no, no, no..if you read the article , it says in countries where it is accepted" so my response was "ummm, its pretty accepted here in america"..which he says "it reflects your spirituality" "if another wittness saw you, they would know you are weak"...i was like, "ok, i don't get it, and i follow christ/god, not men..." then he said in his hall" if a brother came in with a beard , he would not have privelages" then i just gave up, and tried to change the subject..ugggggggggg if these people would just listen to themselves , they would see the sillyness of there teachings...
I hope I am not being rude here, that is not my intention. But I have noted many of my friends who have beards, do so to compensate for being bald. Now one of my friends who has lost his hair, doesn't do this. He has chosen to wear a wig.
As he is on the hunt for an " awesome" woman, do you think I should respectfully tell him :-
a) Get a better quality wig.
b) Give up on the wig, and grow a beard.
c) Just be himself.
Actually ...if I had this guys facial features, I would gladly swap my hair and be bald.
muslims in mosul have helped rebuild a christian church that had been destroyed by isis.. iraq has one of the smallest, but oldest, christian communities in the world but isis oversaw the destruction of iraqi churches, books and christian spaces during their occupation of the city..... it's heartening to see both the military defeat of isis in mosul and the desire for normal relationships shown by the inter-faith community.. there is hope..
Knoceptual99 " This is not about these people being "good" Muslims, but in reality, "bad" Muslims. Good for them.
The Rebel :- Whilst I agree with your sentiments, the crux, of the matter, is by doing what they did these Muslims, I am sure felt they were being "good " Muslims.
I think this is an important point, because I am sure if they felt they were being " bad" Muslims they wouldn't have done what they did?
When I was a Jehovers Witness I was incapable of shunning. I was called on it a couple of times by the elders, but I never could shun. It was like I was being told this person must be treated worse than an insect.
Not all people are in humun, and even if the religion is wrotten to the core, as long as "good"people exist in that religion, their is hope for reform.
I hope this post, doesn't come across as though I am playing with words. Actually my favorite bible story was always " The Good Samaritan" and Samaritans didn't believe in God. For me now regardless of what we believe, if we are " Good Samaritans" your ok with me.
muslims in mosul have helped rebuild a christian church that had been destroyed by isis.. iraq has one of the smallest, but oldest, christian communities in the world but isis oversaw the destruction of iraqi churches, books and christian spaces during their occupation of the city..... it's heartening to see both the military defeat of isis in mosul and the desire for normal relationships shown by the inter-faith community.. there is hope..
That article is all about " peacefully coexisting"
Why should it be otherwise?
Would any of us ever say to someone " your father was an alcoholic, and your whole family is dysfunctional. Therefore you are defective and abnormal?" It's absurd. So isn't it wonderful when people take a more " sober" view, in the inner faith community. Particularly when these people do more than simply " peacefully coexist" . They also become proactive in the community, thus demonstrating what " peacefully coexisting" in a multi culture society requires.
Thanks for the spelling education, Shirley.:-)
i always felt bad for asking questions , did anyone else ?
what question did you ask or want to ask but feel it was wrong ?
mine was regarding the circuit assembly and the amount defecit anounced .. also 1975 i got a stern reply too when i was studying in the 90,s.
O.P. " Why does no one ask questions?
My guess is that questions exist, but the answers to those " questions" have terrible consequences on both sides.
not sure what happened but my O.P sent before I wrote it. ( I guess that was the miracle)
My O.P is I think it wonderful people from different cultures get on. For example I don't usually get on a buss, but having recently done so I found it a wonderful experience. The buss driver was a " Shiek" and I noted he said " Hello my lovely" to an elderly passenger. She laughed and I thought maybe I should take a greater interest in this buss driver.
What a man, this buss driver " is" Because I noted he made everybody that boarded his buss feel welcome. Then I thought of his wage and felt guilty, that if he supported Watford football Club, and wanted to take his son to a match it would take him, the best part of a days wages.
My point is, I think it a miracle that we have people who have jobs, and make those jobs about people, more than complaining about their " low paid jobs" And when people have this love, I think it's bigger than religion, bigger than winning the lottery....and something I respect.
that people in communities
now that the org.
has gone 90% digital, it would seem most people now would rather read a good old fashioned book than a tablet!.
way to show insight oh fearless leaders!.
I am 100% sure, " The finished mystery" will never be back in print. This is the book that was written by " Jesus" and started the religion. ummm maybe Jesus has many great qualities, but as a writer of books he sucked. That would explain it.